
C O U R S E S T U D I E S I N M B A (Specialization in Finance.)

C O U R S E     S T U D I E S     I N     M B A (Specialization in Finance.) 1 ST SEMESTER: 1.       Accounting For Decision Making 2.       Business Statistics & Mathematics 3.       Business Communication and Report Writing 4.       IT in Business & Office (Fundamentals of Computing & E-Commerce) 5.       Principles of Management 6.       Principles of Marketing 2 ND SEMESTER: 1.       Management Information Systems 2.       Applied Business Research 3.       Economic Theory and Issues 4.       Human Resource Management 5.       Industrial and Management Accounting 6.       Financial Management 3 RD SEMESTER:...

Important Mobile Network Codes

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Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) 2017

Pakistan Science Foundation Islamabad Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) (Approved by Government of Pakistan) Pakistan Science Foundation, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science & Technology is in the process of selection of 3 rd batch of 300 young students under the Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS). The talented students passionate towards Science education who wish to adopt science as career will be selected and trained/groomed to become future eminent scientists. The selected students will be required to seek admission in reputed public sector colleges approved under this Scheme. Eligibility Criteria i.       Matric Students of Science Group who have passed 9 th Class examination in the year 2016 and are appearing in 10 th Class examination (Matric/SSC) in the year 2017, are eligible to apply. ii.      Minimum 60% marks in overall subjects; and minimum 70% overall marks in four (4) Science S...

Sagan, Carl. “The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark.”

“Because science carries us toward an understanding of how the world is, rather than how we would wish it to be, its findings may not in all cases be immediately comprehensible or satisfying. It may take a little work to restructure our mindsets. Some of science is very simple. When it gets complicated, that's usually because the world is complicated - or because we're complicated. When we shy away from it because it seems too difficult (or because we've been taught so poorly), we surrender the ability to take charge of our future. We are disenfranchised. Our self-confidence erodes.” Excerpt From: Sagan, Carl. “The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark.”

Gone With the Wind

"All wars are sacred," he said. "To those who have to fight them. If the people who started wars didn't make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight? But, no matter what rallying cries the orators give to the idiots who fight, no matter what noble purposes they assign to wars, there is never but one reason for a war. And that is money" Excerpt from: Gone With the Wind


مجھے ایک عظیم بزنس مین کا ایک انٹرویو دیکھنے کا اتفاق ھوا۔ اس انٹرویو میں اس نے دلچسپ باتیں کہیں۔ * "دنیا میں نوکری کرنے والا کوئی شخص خوشحال نہیں ھو سکتا۔"* * "انسان کی معاشی زن...